Thursday 18 February 2016

What is Elinati Shani, Effects and Remedies

Elinati Shani is a period of 7.5 years. Sade Sati starts with the transit of Saturn into twelth house from the Moon sign and continues till Saturn transit into third house from the Moon sign. In Sade Sati period Saturn transit into twelth house is called as first phase of Sade Sati, first house or Janma rashi transit is called as second phase or middle phase, second house transit is called as third phase or last phase of Sade Sati. For example if a person was born in Leo Moon Sign his Sade Sati starts with Saturn transit into Cancer and continues till Saturn transit into Libra . Saturn transit into Cancer is called as first phase of Sade Sati, Saturn transit into Leo(Janma Rashi) is called as middle or Acute Phase of Sade Sati, Saturn transit into Virgo is called as third Phase or Final Phase of Sade Sati. Normaly an individual could experience only three cycles of Sade Sati in his life time. The First cycle is highly intensified and there would be obstacles and hardships in what ever we do. This period also troubles the parents of the native who suffers from it. Second cycle of Sade Sati is less intensified compared to First Cycle. In this period the native succeed through hardships and labour, the progress of the individual continues after overcoming various obstacles. But there could be loss of parents and other family members who are elder in the family.

Third cycle of Sade Sati is extremely harshful and shows very high intensity. The native may face serious illness, fear of death, physical hardships in this period. Very few people survive during this time.

Here one question certainly comes into our mind will all people have the same effect if they have the same Moon Sign. Certainly not the reason is to understand the effects of Sade Sati on individual basis we need to analyse the horoscope for the Placement and Lordship of Saturn along with Moon. A much deeper analysis into the degrees of Saturn and Moon will reveal us the time of intensified action of Saturn more accurately.
Another important thing to note here is if the lord of the moon sign is friendly to Saturn the effects are some what less intensified. Every one will face hardships but the results of the actions can turn beneficial for those signs that are friendly to Lord Shani. How ever maximum number of people who experience Sade Sati will come out with good wealth after the end of Sade Sati.

Out of all these 7.5 years acute period is 2.5 years only. This is the middle phase of Sade Sati. Very few people in this world come out of this phase without any difficulties. In this particular period people will experience loss of some one in the family, financial troubles etc---. , Once this acute phase of Janma Shani is over there will be great mental relief but still some hardships are required as the native enters into the last phase of 2.5 years of Sade Sati.

Saturn is the second largest and slowest moving planet in the Solar System. Saturn changes its sign once in every 2.5 years. Saturn is the signifier of our action the present as well as the past. Saturn decides the fructification of our karmas. We in general , are bounded to our karmic actions and need to undergo good and bad results of our karmic actions. A favourable Shani in a horoscope can give wealth, fame, high position in the Society at the same time an unfavourable Shani gives miseries, sorrow, deep depression, series of failures in life. Saturn is the lord of Karma Bhava, Labha Bhava of the Birth Chart. The lordship of Saturn in the Birth Chart denotes that our good karma will fructify into good gains. Hence Saturn favours hard workers, those who perform good deeds, disciplined, organised and also those people who are highly responsible and service oriented. He punishes those people who perform bad deeds, indisciplined and those who don't respect their elders.

"Om shri Shanaischaraya Namah" 

"Neelamjana Samabhasam Ravi putram yamagrajam
chaayamartanda Sambhutam Tam namami Shanaischaram"

Remedies of Sade Sati or Sani dosha:

Worshipping lord Sani on Saturdays is the best remedy during Sade Sati time.  Lit up a dheep (lamp) with gingelly oil (or sesame oil) before the idol of lord Saturn. Then put a piece of black cloth on the idol. Then, slowly pour 1 liter of gingelly oil on lord Saturn. Take black gingelly seeds of around 100 grams into your hands and pour them slowly on Saturn’s head. Then make 8 pradakshinaas (going around) around Lord Saturn.

Donating 1 and quarter kilo of black gingelly seeds along with a piece of black cloth, a piece of black jaggery, an iron nail and a steel coin ( 1 or 2 Rupee coin) to a black Brahmin (or pujari) on a Saturday.

Recitation of ‘Sani graha mantra’ for 80,000 times.

Worshipping Lord Shiva by reciting ‘Siva Panchakshari’ and ‘Maha Mrityunjaya’ mantras.

Performing Ekadasa Rudra Abhishekam (11 forms of lord Siva) by pouring of cow’s milk on Siva Linga.

Daily recite ‘Sani Stotram’ which was recited by King Dasaratha during Ramayana times.

Daily recite ‘Sani Kavacham’ which was part of Padma Puranam.

Feeding grains and seeds to birds, especially crows.

Feeding sugar or honey to black ants.

Donating curd rice to beggars and physically handicapped. 

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