Wednesday 20 January 2016

Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram

Shree Lalitaa sahasranaama stotram

The famous Lalita sahasranama Stotra can be found in the Brahmanda Purana. It was given to the great Rishi Agastya by Lord Hayagriva, an incarnation of Lord Vishhnu. Agastya was dismayed with the ignorance and the pleasure seeking lives of people and worshipped Devi Kamakshi at Kanchi, one of the most revered Devi Shakti peethas, for a solution to uplift the masses. Lord Hayagriva appeared before agastya and advised him that the worship of the Devi with the Lalita Sahasranama stotra is the best way to attain both spiritual and material upliftment. We have given the Lilita Sahasranama stotra here with word to word meaning.

Sinduraruna vigraham trinayanam manikyamauli sphurat
Tara nayaka shekharam smitamukhi mapina vakshoruham
Panibhyamalipoorna ratna chashakam raktotpalam bibhratim
Saumyam ratna ghatastha raktacharanam dhyayet paramambikam

The Divine mother is to be meditated upon as shining in a vermilion-red body, with three eyes, sporting a crown of rubies studded with the crescent moon, a face all smiles, a splendid bust, one hand holding a jewel-cup brimming with mead, and the other twirling a red lotus.

Dhyayet padmasanastham vikasitavadanam padmapatrayatakshim
Hemabham pitavastram karakalitalasad hemapadmam varangim
Sarvalankara yuktam satata mabhayadam bhaktanamram bhavanim
Shrividyam shanta murttim sakala suranutam sarva sampatpradatrim

The Divine Goddess is to be meditated upon as seated on the lotus with petal eyes. She is golden hued, and has lotus flowers in Her hand. She dispels fear of the devotees who bow before Her. She is the embodiment of peace, knowledge (vidyaa), is praised by gods and grants every kind of wealth wished for

Lalita Sahasranama stotram

1.Om shrimata shrimaharagyi shrimatsimha saneshvari
Chidagni kundasambhuta devakarya samudyata ..

Shrimata: Salutations to the Divine Mother, who is the Mother of all.
Shri-mahararagni: Great Empress of the whole Universe.
Shrimat-simhasaneshvari: Great Sovereign, enthroned on the lion’s back.
Chidagni kundasambhuta: Who came out of the fire of Pure Consciousness.
Devakarya samudyata: Who promotes the cause of Divine forces.

2.Udyadbhanu sahasrabha chaturbahu samanvita
Raagasvarupa pashadhya krodha karankushojjvala.

Udyadbhanu sahasrabha: Who is radiant as a thousand suns rising together.
Chaturbahu samanvita: Four-armed Divinity.
Ragasvarupa pashadhya: Who holds in her lower left hand a noose representing the power of love.
Krodha karankushojjvala: Who holding the flashing Ankusa (goad) of anger in Her lower right hand for restraining the forces of evil.

Nijaruna prabhapura majjadbrahmanda mandala.

4.Manorupekshu kodanda: Who wields in her upper left hand a Sugarcane bow that stands for mind.
Panchatanmatra sayaka: Who holds five arrows representing the five Tanmatras (Subtle elements).
Nijaruna prabhapura majjadbrahmanda mandala: In the rosy splendour of whose form the whole universe is bathed.

Champakashoka punnaga saugandhika lasatkacha
Kuruvinda manishreni kanatkotira mandita.

Champakashoka punnaga saugandhika lasat kacha: Whose shining locks of hair impart their fragrance to flowers like Chamka, Ashoka and Punnaga adorning them.
Kurvinda manishreni kanatkotira mandita: Whose crown is shining with rows of Kuruvinda gems.

5.Ashtami chandra vibhraja dalikasthala shobhita
Mukhachandra kalankabha mruganabhi visheshaka.

Ashtami chandra vibhraja dalikasthala shobhita: Whose forehead shines, arching like the crescent moon of the eighth lunar digit (Ashtami)
Mukhachandra kalankabha mruganabhi visheshaka: The Kasturi Tilaka adorns her moonlike face, like the spot in the moon.

6.Vadanasmara mangalya gruhatorana chillika
Vaktra lakshmi parivaha chalan minabha lochana.

Vadanasmara mangalya gruhatorana chillika: Whose face, the auspicious home of Karma (Cupid), has eyebrows that resemble archways leading to that abode of beauty.
Vaktra lakshmi parivaha chalan minabha lochana: Whose eyes move like fish in the streams of beauty flowing from Her face.

7.Navachampaka pushpabha nasadanda virajita
Tarakanti tiraskari nasabharana bhasura.

Navachampaka pushpabha nasadanda virajita: Whose shapely nose is like a freshly blown Champaka bud.
Tarakanti tiraskari nasabharana bhasura: With a nasal ornament set with a jewel that excels the brilliance of the planet Venus.

8.Kadamba manjari klupta karnapura manohara
Tatanka yugalibhuta tapanodupa mandala.

Kadamba manjari klupta karnapura manohara: Who is radiant and charming with a bunch of Kadamba flowers over her ears.
Tatanka yugalibhuta tapanodupa mandala: Who has the orbs of the Sun and Moon as Her pair of ear pendants.

9.Padmaraga shiladarsha paribhavi kapolabhuh
Navavidruma bimbashri nyakkari radanachhada .
Padmaraga shiladarsha paribhavi kapolabhuh: Whose cheeks are far fairer than mirrors of ruby (Padmaraga)
Navavidruma bimbashri nyakkari radanachhada: Whose lips outshine the redness of fresh coral and bimba fruit.

10.Shuddha vidyankurakara dvijapankti dvayojjvala
Karpura vitikamoda samakarshi digantara.

Shuddha vidyankurakara dvijapankti dvayojjvala: Whose beauty is enhanced by her rows of teeth that resemble the sprouting of pure Knowledge (Suddha Vidya or Sri – Vidya).
Karpura vatikamoda samakarshi digantara: The fragrance of the campho limbedded betel roll in whose mouth is spreading in all directions.

11.Nijasallapa madhurya vinirbhartsita kachhapi
Mandasmita prabhapura majjatkamesha manasa.

Nijasallapa madhurya vinirbhartsita kachhapi: Whose speech is more melodious than the Veena of Sarasvati known as Kachhapi.
Mandasmita prabhapura majjatkamesha manasa: The radiance of whose smile inundates the mind of Kamesvara, Her consort.

12.Anakalita sadrushya chubukashri virajita
Kamesha baddhamangalya sutra shobhita kandhara.

Anakalita sadrushya chubukashri virajita: Her chin is peerless in beauty.
Kamesha baddhamangalya sutra shobhita kandhara: Whose neck is adorned with the Mangalasutra fastened thereon by Her consort Kamesvara.

13.Kanakangada keyura kamaniya bhujanvita
Ratnagraiveya chintaka lolamukta phalanvita.

Kankangada keyura kamaniya bhujanvita: Whose beautiful arms are decked with armlets and bracelets of gold.
Ratnagraiveya chintaka lolamukta phalanvita: Who wears a gem – set necklace having a big pearl as a pendant.

14.Kameshvara premaratna manipratipana stani
Nabhyalavala romali lataphala kuchadvayi.

Kamesvara premaratna manipratipana stani: Whose breasts form the price she pays to Her Consort (Mahesvara) in return for the gem of love He bestows on Her.
Nabhayalavala romali lataphala kuchadvayi: Whose breasts look like fruits on the creeper of the hair – line spreading upwards from the navel.

15.Lakshyaroma latadharata samunneya madhyama
Stanabhara dalanmadhya pattabandha valitraya .

Lakshyaroma latadharata samunneya madhyama: Who has a waist so slender that it can only be inferred as a base for the creeper of fine hair springing from her navel upwards.
Stanabhara dalanmadhya pattabandha valitraya: Whose waist, breaking under the weight of the breasts, gets three lines like a supporting belt.

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